Step by Step

No matter what your real estate goals are, there are three phases. Those three phases are information gathering, accepted offer, and delivery. We will collaborate to build a personalized time line that works best for you.

Information Gathering

In the information gathering phase, we will be discussing market trends, your ideal home, and budget. We will also view the properties together. After each viewing we will discuss strategies to get an accepted offer.

Accepted Offer

The accepted offer phase is where the pace picks up. We will be gathering information on other offers and completing a market analysis to make the best decision. Once accepted, I will coordinate with the appropriate vendors needed. You will understand all important deadlines.


Delivery phase is when we celebrate. Prior to signing the deed, we will do a final inspection. We are insuring the property is in the same condition as viewing, test systems, and get meter readings. Then off to the notary to sign the documents. Finally we celebrate!

Buying a home

Buying a home is a significant life decision, and navigating the process requires careful planning and consideration. The first crucial step is to meet with a mortgage advisor and makelaar to understand your financial capabilities and identify suitable properties. These professionals help determine the budget, explain mortgage options, and guide you through the initial stages of the home-buying process.

Once you have a clear understanding of your financial landscape, defining your home search becomes the next step. Consider your preferences, priorities, and desired location. Viewing potential homes is the exciting part, allowing you to physically explore properties and envision your life within them. After finding the perfect home, the next step is to submit an offer. Negotiations typically follow, as you and the seller work towards an agreement that satisfies both parties.

Once the offer is accepted, the due diligence phase begins. This involves inspections, appraisals, and other assessments to ensure the property's condition aligns with your expectations and the agreed-upon price. Simultaneously, obtaining financing is crucial to secure the necessary funds for the purchase. Finally, after all conditions are met, and financing is in place, the keys are delivered, marking the culmination of the home-buying journey. Each step requires careful consideration and collaboration with professionals to make the process as smooth as possible.

Selling a home

Selling a home is a meticulous process that involves careful planning and strategic execution. The first step in this journey is to consult with a makelaar who possesses local market expertise and can provide valuable insights into pricing, market trends, and property presentation. The makelaar collaborates with the seller to establish a realistic asking price and develop a comprehensive marketing strategy tailored to attract potential buyers.

Once the home is ready to hit the market, sellers prepare for the market by enhancing its appeal through staging, repairs, and other improvements. The goal is to make the property as attractive as possible to potential buyers. Subsequently, viewings are scheduled to showcase the home's features and create a favorable impression. After receiving offers, sellers engage in discussions with potential buyers, carefully evaluating and negotiating the terms. Once an offer is accepted, the buyer conducts due diligence to ensure the property aligns with their expectations. The final steps involve a comprehensive final inspection and the official transfer of ownership, marking the successful completion of the home-selling process. Throughout this journey, the guidance of a makelaar proves invaluable, helping sellers navigate complexities and maximize the value of their property.